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Badass Womanhood and the Faith of Our Fathers

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Merry Christmas!

Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in you. (Psalm 33:22, NRSV) Then justice will dwell in the wilderness, and...

The Hope of Job

Oh, my goodness. It has been a month in the Brown household! We started out with Julia's wedding on the 7th. Look up "radiant" in the...

A lack of imagination

A little boy - one little boy - had the generosity to share the little he had, which meant that he wouldn't have much for himself. But even

Deep Roots

This blog post is a little different from my others. I have spent the last week as a delegate to the General Synod for the United Church...

That jazz thing

It's been a busy couple of weeks on the farm! We've had two alpaca shows, shearing, a birthday (Jay's), we helped Jeff and Vianne move...

Ancestral Wisdom

Have I ever told you that I struggle with depression? It started in earnest when I was in junior high and has been an unwelcome companion...

Dear Pastors

Dear Pastors, This is a really tough time for you. Church membership has fallen to below 50% in the United States (Bailey, 2021). I...

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